Hair Mesotherapy is the method of injecting of the appropriate medicine under the scalp skin with the help of tiny needles in order to stop hair loss and regain the natural vitality to the hair.
What is mesotherapy?
Mesotherapy is a method which is based on injection of the specially prepared for treatment medicine to a depth from 1 to 6 cm under the skin. It was firstly used by French Doctor Michel Pistor in 1952.
In which therapies is mesotherapy used?
For preventing hair loss
- For preventing hair loss
- In local slimming treatments
- In eliminating cellulites
- In treatment of stretchmarks which occur during pregnancy
- In face rejuvenating treatments
- In acne and wound scar treatments
In Which Type of Exuviations is Hair mesotherapy effective?
As well as there are many reasons for hair exuviations the exuviations which respond to mesotherapy are metabolic ones, exuviations which are caused by stress and sudden exuviations which appear after pregnancy. It is a supporting treatment method in other hormonal and genetics exuviations
Is Hair Mesotherapy Applied to Everyone?
Mesotherapy treatment is not applied to:
- People with heart failure,
- Diabetes patients,
- People with renal failure,
- During pregnancy/nursing period,
- People who undertake anti-coagulant treatment.
Treatment Process
Mesolifting is based on injecting prepared mixture under the skin. The treatment which is performed with micro injectors is mostly painless or tolerably painful. Patient can proceed with daily life after the treatment. Results will be visible after the 2nd session.